Our Service Projects

Help us be the light that this world needs to see.

Our Current Project

Marissa has lead all of WISDOM this month by example. She decided to donate 35 cm (about 14 inches) of hair to a Polish foundation called Rak n Roll that takes hair donations and makes wigs for women dealing with cancer. The money that we raise will go toward various programs this company has in place for helping women and their families throughout the whole process of cancer treatment and life after.

Our 2022 Projects

August 2022...

For our August service project WISDOM decided to help fund one of our own sisters and the first member of WISDOM– Adaora Elonu. Adaora has started the ADA [add-ah] Foundation which is an organization that puts on girls basketball camps in Nigeria but basketball is just the tip of the iceberg. They use basketball to get in but then they also supply school supplies, feminine hygiene products, and health education. A future goal is to get into shelter and school visits as well as food distribution.


Sept 2022...

This month we helped raise money for the Pregnancy Center which is a safe place where their motto is “Grace Wins”. They are unapologetically Christ followers and are able to share the Gospel to all the women that walk through their doors. They rely fully on donations and are debt-free so every donation they get is funneled right back into helping women who are dealing with unexpected pregnancy. The free services they offer women are:

👶🏼Pregnancy Test & Ultrasounds: 85% of women who see their baby on an ultrasound will choose life.
👶🏼Options Counseling: they will be walked through and educated about each option they have- parenting, adoption, and abortion. The Pregnancy Center does not coerce the women to do anything but give them all the information so the women can choose.
👶🏼 Parenting classes: when a woman chooses life they are fully supported in learning how to be a parent.
👶🏼First Steps: a 7 week course on how to prepare their lives for the new life.
👶🏼Baby Boutique: when the new mothers attend the services they receive “mommy money” to spend here where they can acquire the things new mommies need.
👶🏼Birth Basics: a two session, 6 hour course that teaches the mothers all about labor and delivery

For more information please check out their website: https://pregnancycenterlincoln.org

Oct 2022...

This month we had a request to help children in need. We raised money for an organization in Lincoln, NE called Foster Care Closet which also has other locations across the state of Nebraska. This organization understands that foster care is not a destination but a journey and they are with the child from start to finish. Check out their website for more information on who they are and what they do.





Dec 2022...

This year we are helped supply low-income families from a village close to Wrocław, Poland with Christmas presents. We “adopted” 31 children and sponsored each child. To sponsor a child fully meant to give $40 but being a partial sponsor was possible. No amount is inadequate because we have learned that through and with God all things are possible and the intentions of your heart will be rewarded.




Contact us to discover how you can join in on our next project.

Help us be the light that this world needs to see.


2021 Service Projects

Christmas 2021...

We teamed up with an orphanage in Poland to give the kids a Christmas they dreamed of. WISDOM sponsored 30 kids and we gifted them with their wants & needs.

January 2021...

WISDOM teamed up with a family who needed help raising money for the necessary rehab equipment for their little girl Oliwka. While she is a twin she has been developing much slower than her sister. This service project was so powerful for the family because they saw what the Body of Christ can do when we work together. This service project showed them that we can help each other and that’s where we need to start rather than relying on the government to help us.

July 2021...

This month we focused our service on love. All WISDOM members were encouraged to sponsor a neighborhood cookout in their area. This idea was adopted from the book by Bob Goff “Everybody Always”. With all the separation we experienced through COVID we decided to bring community back together.

Please Help Saray...

We are in the month of June now and we are getting ready to help out a young girl who is from Nebraska. Her mom has had a rough six years. She was caught up in domestic violence, got out of it, lives in section 8 housing with two children, then in 2019 had a heart attack, and to top it off was diagnosed with cancer in November. Despite all of her chemo and radiation she has barely missed work but is still behind on rent. However, our mission this month is to help the young girl. She is 13 years old and wants to play basketball but she really needs equipment like basketball shoes, shorts, shirts, sports bras, and socks. She made the choice to go out for middle school basketball and is very excited to start her basketball journey and I think WISDOM can encourage her through giving equipment and words of encouragement. She is from Crete, Nebraska and I have the opportunity to meet her and come alongside her in the basketball journey because that is where I live. It has been said that this month’s service project could completely change the trajectory of Saray’s life. This is a message to WISDOM from the teacher that has asked us to help out:

“Saray is a 5‘10”, 7th grader who really hasn’t had a ton of opportunity to tap into her skill set. Once she gains some confidence in something like basketball I think it will just have a ripple effect on her whole being. May God continue to work through each of you as you embrace this challenge and opportunity.”

For more information on where to send items for donation, how to participate, and for sizes please contact us.

🤍Ways we can help🤍

 - Give money that will go toward purchasing the things Saray needs for basketball

 - Send me videos of yourself explaining who you are and your basketball experience with some encouraging words for her

 - Supply her with some gear from your college team, pro team, or any gear you have

~If there are any other ways you think we can help her let me know.

Back To School Bash:

We teamed up to raise all of these school supplies for kids who are a part of families that shop at the Help Center and/or live in the Family Shelter. We are happy to support this Back To School Bash by giving all of the school supplies the kids need for the upcoming school year. The event is organized to give kids the confidence that comes with starting a new school year with stuff they call their own. Through our service projects WISDOM aims to bring up servant leaders — Matthew 20:25-28

Shoe Drive for Orphans in Zimbabwe

As a group we gathered 75 pairs of shoes and raised $1,315 for Tatenda.

Tatenda has been doing this shoe drive for 2 years running. He grew up in Zimbabwe and many years later ended up running track at North Dakota State University. He decided that it was time to give back to where he came from and help kids out that have been orphaned for many various reasons. In total throughout his whole campaign this year Tatenda was able to ship 8 barrels of shoes back to Zimbabwe.


COVID-19 Compassion Response Team:

Creating care packages full of goodies for hospital workers who are working around the clock with the Worker’s Prayer included.


COVID-19 Compassion Response Team:

Collected Bibles and Christian books to give to the prison because due to the virus they are no longer allowed to meet to share the Word of God.